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OK, I just woke up to news that there has been ANOTHER mass shooting in the US, this time in Dayton Ohio... 9 dead, 16 injured

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Ah I love analogy..............because I can tear it down so easily.   You ARE DRIVING YOUR CAR every day, aren't you?   Then that is why you pay for having auto insurance 24 hours

LMFAO  JEHUREY CRYING LIKE A BABY WITH A RATTLER     "Wemij, wemij, heez dewailing the thwead"     OMG  

This is absolutely terrifying.  What the absolute fuck is going on in the states?  This is a growing problem which isn't happening in other countries, and the government needs to act.   This

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i think we need a bigger lock this time. Dildo's ego is ever growing, obviously crushed the tiny bit of brain left in him. 

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4 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

It's called perspective, it's called context, you seem to be extremely familiar with context because it's the only way things to you can be viewed as "Impressive :whoo:


Murder in the grand scope is an extreme minority cause of deaths, fact, and mass shootings are insane extreme minority cause of those deaths, fact.


You and the rest of the left-wing cronies try to paint a picture of things being far worse than they are to fuel a political agenda and restrict rights. You're some of the most disingenuous people in existence.  



illegal immigration crime is an even smaller number than mass shooting.... murders by illegal immigrants is even smaller..... Yet you want to spend BILLIONS on this. 


But innocent American Babies and children being killed in schools, in Walmart at a food festival...... that's a non issue..... insignificant.... don't waste money to try to reduce this. 


But if a woman gets a leading role in a movie.. or videogame... OMG TEH HORROR.... I DONT WANT TO LIVE IN THIS WORLD!!!! :cries:


Your perspective on life is fucked bro. 

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14 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

Don’t know what that has anything to do with the quoted comment.


but for what it’s worth everything should always be done to try reduce both those statistics. Which is the main reason for the reaction to American mass shootings. Cause literally nothing is ever done.

Say they ban ARs and another mass shooting happens,  with an AR . What will you say then ? 


That's most likely the situation . Again , it's not something that can be easily fixed or fixed at all,  even with bans ...regulations , anything .

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11 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

Say they ban ARs and another mass shooting happens,  with an AR . What will you say then ? 


That's most likely the situation . Again , it's not something that can be easily fixed or fixed at all,  even with bans ...regulations , anything .

yeah whatever then start teaching kids how to shoot guns in kindergarten, it doesn't matter anyway.


Then give everyone guns for free because why do anything about gun safety or try to fix shit because shootings happen anyway... 


:shrug: :shrug::shrug::shrug:  

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42 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

Say they ban ARs and another mass shooting happens,  with an AR . What will you say then ? 


That's most likely the situation . Again , it's not something that can be easily fixed or fixed at all,  even with bans ...regulations , anything .

Ban all non-hunting firearms completely.  Begin removing them from the streets and destroying them...  Convince Americans that you don't need to be in fear for your life or the government and can live without owning a gun.  Your gun does not equal your freedom.. you're seriously fucking stupid for believing that still in 2019...  Start taking more action on mental health and racism.


Nothing is going to "happen all at once"... you gotta start taking steps.  Root out the fucking NRA from the government...


Americans are so fucking fearful of everything.  Fearful of immigrants, fearful of their government, fearful of their neighbors, fearful of losing their jobs, fearful of everything... so they latch onto this bullshit idea that since everything is against them they need guns to wrest control back from whatever it is that they're fearful of...  It's fucking sad.  The country is on the brink of a civil war.  Bunch of trigger happy fuck heads.

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25 minutes ago, kaz said:

yeah whatever then start teaching kids how to shoot guns in kindergarten, it doesn't matter anyway.


Then give everyone guns for free because why do anything about gun safety or try to fix shit because shootings happen anyway... 


:shrug: :shrug::shrug::shrug:  

Maybe not bully that kid in kindergarten or maybe not teach your kid hate . Probably not gonna happen either .

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24 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

Ban all non-hunting firearms completely.  Begin removing them from the streets and destroying them...  Convince American's that you don't need to be in fear for your life or the government and can live without owning a gun.  Your gun does not equal your freedom.. you're seriously fucking stupid for believing that still in 2019...  Start taking more action on mental health and racism.


Nothing is going to "happen all at once"... you gotta start taking steps.  Root out the fucking NRA from the government...


American's are so fucking fearful of everything.  Fearful of immigrants, fearful of their government, fearful of their neighbors, fearful of losing their jobs, fearful of everything... so they latch onto this bullshit idea that since everything is against them they need guns to wrest control back from whatever it is that they're fearful of...  It's fucking sad.  The country is on the brink of a civil war.  Bunch of trigger happy fuck heads.

You cant convince people that you dont need to protect yourself when you do need to .

Almost all gun owners are normal people , not using those guns for harm , only protection. 


The country is not as fucked up as the media makes it out to be . 

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31 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

You cant convince people that you dont need to protect yourself when you do need to .

Almost all gun owners are normal people , not using those guns for harm , only protection. 


The country is not as fucked up as the media makes it out to be . 


The fact is that when everyone has guns... ANYONE could be "that person".... nobody knows... 


Have you asked yourself how people in other countries get by without needing guns for protection?  When you REALLY think about it... you guys are basically admitting that you need protection from yourselves... which only exacerbates the problem.  You guys live in fear.  You've given yourselves a false sense of security thinking that by owning or having a gun on you, you're somehow safer.  That it's better the 2nd amendment exists and provides people the ability to flood themselves with guns and "protect themselves" rather than removing guns from everyone and eliminating or making it extremely hard to access them.  You'll tell me flat out that you don't live in any fear, or any more fear than anywhere else... and you might actually believe that.. but that's only because you've convinced yourselves that there's not a real problem to begin with, and you've figured out the solution to a problem that no other first world country has even close to your level.


This is why the US has the problems it has with gun violence.


There's also too many other issues which have been simmering on the back burner for years and are now threatening to crumble the fabric of the nation imo.  Mental health issues, racism... people are being driven apart.  Suicide rates...  It's really dangerous when these issues are being brought to the forefront and everyone has guns "for protection"...

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I think a lot of people live in fear . Depends where in America you live.  There are some bad parts .


I'm general I dont think people live in fear as in they are always scared something will happen . A lot of people know something may happen , so better be protected than not.


The news shows you left vs right hate all day . That's real,  but not as widespread as you may think.  I've not witnessed any of that irl.


Lmao when people think you can remove guns from people . 

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Just now, JONBpc said:


He's so fucking right.


"Our emotions respond more to spectacle than to date."


Why aren't the idiots here and elsewhere protesting suicide and car accidents? Do you have any idea how much more they kill than shootings? 

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4 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

I think a lot of people live in fear . Depends where in America you live.  There are some bad parts .


I'm general I dont think people live in fear as in they are always scared something will happen . A lot of people know something may happen , so better be protected than not.


The news shows you left vs right hate all day . That's real,  but not as widespread as you may think.  I've not witnessed any of that irl.


Lmao when people think you can remove guns from people . 

But...but...my children might die!!!! 


Idiots fall for the easiest emotional traps. 

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Do the mods understand that Dynocrap WANTS to derail the thread so badly that it gets closed down?


He considers that a victory. He want that to happen.


You punish those people who are intentionally try to change the thread into trying to blame black people by BANNING THEM.


Here is what has been going on:




"We probably need to start restricting or banning guns for these mass shootings"


:lemming: "Well what about Chicago?"


"So you're trying to insinuate that the real problem are black people, in general?  Okay then.......we continue to ban guns, that way it becomes even harder for any type of people to get guns"


:lemming:"Well, who counts those numbers, who made those rules up?"


"That doesn't really change the fact about HOW things get counted. The only effective answer still remains that guns need to be removed in order for those incidents to go down."



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'homicide via handgun' he says




Main gun: AK47 (WASR 10) – I realized pretty quickly that this isn’t a great choice since it’s the civilian 
version of the ak47. It’s not designed to shoot rounds quickly, so it overheats massively after about 
100 shots fired in quick succession. I’ll have to use a
heat-resistant glove to get around this. 
8m3 bullet: This bullet, unlike pretty much any other 7.62x39 bullet, actually fragments like a pistol
hollow point when shot out of an ak47 at the cost o
f penetration. Penetration is still reasonable, but not 
nearly as high as a normal ak47 bullet. The ak47 is
definitely a bad choice without this bullet design, and 
may still be with it. 


Other gun(if I get one): Ar15 – Pretty much any variation of this gun doesn’t heat up nearly as fast a
s the 
AK47. The round of this gun isn’t designed to frag
ment, but instead tumbles inside a target causing 
lethal wounding. This gun is probably better, but I
wanted to explore different options. The ar15 is 
probably the best gun for military applications but
this isn’t a military application. 
This will be a test of which is more lethal, either
it’s fragmentation or tumbling. 



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Imagine selling a kid who looked like that an AK-47, lmfao


You know how hard it was for me to get a gun?


As a grown man, I had to pass two tests, pay $300 all in for the classes and the license, just to be told I have to do ANOTHER $90 course to get 'restricted' firearms which are handguns and pretty much anything semi-auto in the rifle category.


then the non-restricted license took 2 months to get to me in the mail. By the time I had spent all that time and money I just lost interest in the restricted license all together. :D 


please tell me there's at least regulation on who can buy these things.



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Do you people have any idea what would happen if this country went into anarchy? Or what if it was invaded? Or what if the government grew too oppressive and people wanted to rebel? Or what if someone like (gasp) TRUMP took over as dictator and took away all guns and resistance? In these scenarios and countless others, those with the guns would have full control over you and your lives - permanently. This is what people with a short attention span and without A future-oriented attitude fail to realize. Do you believe these things will never happpen?


But like bleating sheep, on cue, you ask them to  fully "take away" gun rights, as soon as any tragedy happens.  

Edited by SheepKilla
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13 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

Do you people have any idea what would happen if this country went into anarchy? Or what if it was invaded? Or what if the government grew too oppressive and people wanted to rebel? Or what if someone like (gasp) TRUMP took over as dictator and took away all guns and resistance? In these scenarios and countless others, those with the guns would have full control over you and your lives - permanently. This is what people with a short attention span and without A future-oriented attitude fail to realize. Do you believe these things will never happpen?


But like bleating sheep, on cue, you ask them to  fully "take away" gun rights, as soon as any tragedy happens.  

Yeah..............we'd lose by the bombs they can drop on us from unmanned drones, and we eradicated with the futuristic weapons we have.


You can't be this stupid to think that we'd be able to take down a tyrannical government with some semi-automatic rifles, do you?


Dude...........this is like a retort you would see from a 16 year old.

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