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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Pretty much confirmed. Today they posted this in the Bayonetta page With all the classifications in Australia and the ESRB and now we're starting to see teases like this on SEGAs steam pages... it's going to be announced and released probably within 2-3 weeks.
  2. I should probably lock this. Why the fuck is nobody doing anything?
  3. Eh, we'll have to see what happens. Hopefully they can find a nice even ground. You really can't expect all developers and all games to actually be able to accommodate some of those though.
  4. Mike, Phil, and all the rest are just PC gamers and have no intentions of hiding it The ousting of the lemfags like Bodycunt is the greatest thing to come from this generation.
  5. You had the entire franchise STOLEN from you, you mean. Only 20+ years later and after ports to every other system imaginable does SquareEnix give Nintendo the time of day... and ONLY because porting them is literally clicking a few buttons at this point. FF15 Pocked Edition LMFAO Bodycount Real N Editionz
  6. Thanks man! Yea, nah I'm pretty sure that it was due to the shaking and uncontrollably tightening up my body while at the same time coughing. Still doing quite a bit of coughing so I'm pretty sure that's what did a number on my head. I'll keep it in mind though... thanks.
  7. It's really been forever since I've felt as sick as this. Went home for Christmas, had a great time, we came back later on Christmas day after a big dinner, and I was alright. Then later on in the night I started getting really deep chills and the sweats. My wife woke me up in the middle of the night because I was shaking uncontrollably and no matter what I couldn't stop. I'm a pasty ass motherfucker normally, but I was basically ghostly. Had a really bad fever and started coughing uncontrollably and my body ached with pain all over. It hurt to even just lie still. I'm not one for doct
  8. I have... and I wasn't even close to being fooled by this
  9. Your new avatar is ready bitch
  10. If I had bought one already I'd have been pissed. It's $80 now in Canada
  11. I love how you clicked through them all to see what they were anyway
  12. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. There you have it. Now bring on 2019 and RE2, Sekiro and DMC5
  13. I don't get what's so special about this. It looks meh.
  14. Nah, I like checking in on my homies. We should at least just chill the fuck out on Christmas Eve and Day with the constant back and forth arguing about stupid shit. There's 363 other days in the year for that shit
  15. I'll ban everyone of you fucks for a day so that you spend some time with your fams if that's what it takes
  16. Don't say racist shit dipshit.. it's quite simple. Merry Christmas btw everyone!
  17. As if Ark wasn't bad enough Fuck these games
  18. The game took forever for them to develop and there was never any set release date... then all of a sudden one day they're like... "oh btw it's available next week".. That was it... there was no marketing, or any real build up. So it's not surprising. Also, the game is tough.. and doesn't hand hold you... so that right there alienates the game from a large group of people. Those that DO like that kind of thing just write anything with that design off as a "souls clone" and judge it against that. Now that I'm 100% done DQ11... I'm going full in on this game and will f
  19. Where you at? You have to be super early.. so just give it a chance.
  20. I started watching a stream of it, and I'm like wtf.. it's exactly Ark but with ships. Way too much micro managing tons of unnecessary shit. Sea of Thieves is just perfectly balanced and focused. The core game of Sea of Thieves might be one of the best this generation.. and that's no fucking lie. I kinda pisses me off that Rare didn't have enough content at launch and most people turned against it.. many not even willing to give it a chance. My hope is that when the arena comes and there's more content, people will start to notice just how fucking awesome it is and it will gain
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