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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. imagine being so much of a fag that you think this is about dota 2, and not wc3 dota.
  2. Just pick a character and play that character only. Learn what items. That's pretty much it. I recommend a noob hero like bara or axe.
  3. This is how noobs think about game placement: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5...} This is how I think about game placement: ∞
  4. 1) Warcraft III and original DotA forever 2) - 50) = the same, repeated ad infinitum.
  5. Good list. Gary Ridgeway was fucked up. They interviewed Ted Bundy about how to catch him. Bundy gave this advice basically (me summarizing): 'You can catch this guy. Just find a fresh body he kills. Don't announce it. Hide and stake out the site. He will return to have sex with the corpse.' After he was caught, they discovered this was an actual thing he was doing. He was returning to have sex with decomposing bodies.
  6. Awful garbage. The book is infinitely better.
  7. She's had a difficult life, and now has a convenient boogeyman to blame: whites. Meanwhile, she doesn't realize that most other people, including whites, have also had tough lives in the game known as life. She has 0 way to run a control variable and see what being white is like, so she assumes it must be some secret hidden key to privilege. Her life would be exactly the same if she were white, but she'd have 0 sympathy, 0 youtube channel, 0 handouts.
  8. She has some OK points. But ultimately - another crazy bitch that modern society has produced.
  9. this is a good thread. above 2 posters are bad judges.
  10. idk, mines collecting dust and ive had it for years. modern gaming sucks lol
  11. SheepKilla


    this fag needs to go away.
  12. SheepKilla


    the whole not posting here for years thing. we can do that again? yeah? thx
  13. SheepKilla


    you obviously lurked and saw him already, and now are pretending you didn't and "asking".
  14. I notice the next day after I do weights, I eat like a pig. Probably the body needs more calories/protein/etc to recuperate.
  15. you can tell he has no idea of "big boy jobs" based on how much he gloats salary means something.
  16. Imagine how badly you were raped: that they had to lock a thread, on SW of all places, to keep you from getting raped even more.
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