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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. 27 pounds in one day? That's nothing. I lost 210 pounds in one day and no longer exist.
  2. that really is strange lmfao. feels way, way more recent.
  3. SheepKilla

    cows lol

    Cows are disgusting, disgusting people.
  4. omfg last night was awful had to call an Uber to pick me up - it was that bad.
  5. Sorry that happened to you brotha. If it's any solace, they literally all are like that. All. Lmfao.
  6. anyone else not give a single flying fuck about her or anything related to her? I am literally so indifferent that it's crazy, and I do not want to even see her image anymore let alone talk about her tbh.
  7. Found a pic of what ghostz wants us to think his phone is : LOL
  8. 1080p is impossible on a 6.5 inch screen. What you're referring to is fake 1080p for advertising purposes. 6.5 Inches is TINY rofl. No wonder you left out the width, too. It's 6.5 x 1.0 inches. LOL.
  9. This. I don't know how some of you could handle seeing teeny text and holding a black bar in your hands for your SW experience. While I have a large monitor and a comfy chair. It's quite sad, actually.
  10. Will get more buzz, positive comments, and activity than any Jehurey thread
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