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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. It wasn't too bad overall. Just make sure you follow the doctor's instructions to a T with the diet and all that. Because if you fuck up, you can get your nerves exposed to the air and get massive pain.
  2. During the actual surgery, I feel like my numbness wore off slightly. Like I mean, as if I could actually feel them take the tooth out, but that it was numbed by 90% and the 10% I could feel.
  3. Day 4 and I feel almost back to normal. A few more days should do the trick. I have had 0 pain so far throughout the entire healing process which was a surprise.
  4. Portrait representing Mycenanean warriors on chariots, from approximately 1,350 B.C.
  5. Notice how all the threads about games here are about Switch games, and not PS4 games?
  6. Lol I was thinking the same thing. Maybe it's about money and scheduling a future appointment. But that wouldn't make too much sense, as the dentist who recommended it doesn't even do the removal procedures. The reason he recommended it is because it's relatively clean and not in decay (unlike the other 3 teeth). He said that if you keep flossing it and taking care of it you can keep it.
  7. I have a wisdom tooth out of my 4, that doesn't have any problems, and my doc said to keep it. Maybe he has that
  8. LMFAO they just placed some thing in my mouth automatically holding it open the entire time and I felt 0 discomfort. You're telling me you had to manually keep your mouth open the whole time? ROFF
  9. Why don't you just leave your phone recording the surgery at a table nearby?
  10. That's not really possible. One of mines was completely decayed and still needed extensive surgery to be removed.
  11. LOL I'm keeping my tongue FAR away from that shit.
  12. Lmfao I did it awake too. 3 teeth. I felt like I was on the edge of feeling them take my tooth out. Like that it was 85% numb, but 15% I could feel as if they were really taking my tooth out. Never again.
  13. That's reassuring to hear. But isn't it possible that one of the dried blood clots comes undone in my mouth and the raw nerves are exposed to the open air causing pain? That would suck lo.
  14. I got 3 removed at once recently. I have to eat only liquid and/or soft foods for a week, and I have to take a bunch of pills every day. There's no pain yet that I've felt.
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