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David P

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Everything posted by David P

  1. It's a rather modern new feature that I expect to see in most games. Like speeded up gameplay, which is pretty much a standard feature for remasters now. JRPGs are getting smarter.
  2. Star Ocean 2 remake did that. And a few other recent JRPGs I can't think recall right now.
  3. This isn't about me defending Eiyuden Chronicle. I haven't played it yet, barely looked into it. As far as I know it might just be the worst game ever made. 7 might actually be generous. 7/10 still really isn't scary or particularly worrying. Still doesn't make your ''but it's indie, kickstarter, 7 at IGN'' argument any more compelling regardless of how this particular game turns out. Plenty of 7/10 games turns out way better than 9/10 games. Especially at fucking IGN. It hit me last night when I was playing New Vegas... It's actually a perfect illustrati
  4. It wouldn't change a thing on how I perceive them. You can also actually read reviews or look into aspects of a game in more depth than go derp 7/10 = not worth my time. You're putting way too much importance on the numerical score. 7/10 isn't some arbitrary threshold. Especially not from IGN, especially not from a game that is apparently suffering from issues and bugs at launch (will be fixed). Now go play MLB or whatever. Oh wait, you don't really play games. Just brag about high scoring garbage like the most completely uninformed idiot. But IGN said.
  5. Trying to understand why it even matters what IGN says for you. You need to actually look into a game if you want to know what it's like, not just categorize it and put a label on it before you even seriously paid much attention to it, if at all. Of course at the end of the day we have preferences, but when your preference is ''higher than 7/10 at IGN'', which isn't even that low, is sad. Period. Indie games I can understand, if production values matter a lot to you. That's fine and logical. Why would it matter if my time was more spent playing AAA games only from massi
  6. The last time I talked about a game's content with GSP for real, it was Demon's Souls... ...On PS3. (2009)
  7. Lol. I don't need my opinions on games to be validated by the likes of the embarrassing fags working at IGN. You would stop yourself from playing low scoring games because you fear it might hurt your credibility somehow to have contradictory opinions to the ''gaming journalists'' aggregates? The same people who overrates TRASH and sleep on brilliant cult classics all the times. Pretty sad that this is what dictates your choices in games. I'm sorry but I'm way passed that shit. I'll say what I think of the new Suikoden when I get my hands on it.
  8. That's what I did, level 13 right now, about 10+ hours in the game. I'm still discovering things I never seen. Such a great fucking game. But yeah, NV looks like fucking shit, it always looked like shit. It's hard to go back to that. Gameplay is still great though.
  9. No doubts, seeing how far they want ensuring this is a proper Fallout TV show and not just the story the writers wanted to tell vaguely based in a video games license property. Which is what I expected. They did make some big changes but overall, it's still Fallout.
  10. So all indie games sucks by default? News to me. What, you wouldn't play a 7/10 from IGN? Not to mention one that seem to have bugs at launch keeping it down? Sad.
  11. This is basically a new Suikoden game which has always been a solid Playstation exclusive franchise. Don't hate. The prologue sidescrolling game wasn't bad either.
  12. I wanted to buy the PC version but PS5 version has a physical release. I might double dip but this sucks because it mean that's the game you get on the PS5 disc unpatched.
  13. Fallout New Vegas. You should have known since it's also the best RPG ever made.
  14. Alright that was good. I hated how the vault 4 storyline played out so I was worried the show would go downhill. It didn't, the ending is great. And shit they really went there. Can't believe they would bring so much elements from New Vegas. Last episode blew my nerdy Fallout fanboy mind. It ain't perfect but it's way better than anything I was expecting. Season 2 is going to be real interesting.
  15. Star Wars Tales From Galaxy Edge was selling for 40$ less than a year ago, now it's discontinued and selling for 120$. I decided I see the games I want on sales at the right price, I might as well buy them now.
  16. I wasn't considered it for real until very recently. And man that's steep in Canadian dollars. I could get a decent desktop PC for that price. I'm pretty sure I already bought more PS5 games than Jehurey did this year though. lol Bought: Resident Evil 4 Resident Evil Village No Man Sky The Light Brigade The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners 2 Vertigo 2 VR Skater More support to PSVR2 than any cow here probably and that's just me getting a few games before I actually get the thing. I'll buy
  17. I mean in no way an expert but I have been messing around with AI a lot and this is what I think. They're really just very advanced bots that can tackle complicated tasks. At least the AI available to the public. Image/video generators are basically what you describe but with an automated photoshop like ability to manipulate and create images. It takes from the internet everything it can and create vast database of useable content and imitates it, transform it, put it back altogether in seconds. Ai available to the public have a lot of safeguards and hidden directives.
  18. Europa looks kinda nice but wow, you would have to threaten my at gunpoint to even consider trying any of the other completely forgettable indie games on display here. Let alone on a piece of shit handheld like the Switch. You might as well just kill me.
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