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Everything posted by Ike

  1. That's probably going to be a technical powerhouse of a game. The PS4 Pro version is one of the best looking games ever.
  2. Every time Nintendo has licensed out 2d Zelda's, they've been so good. Minish Cap/OoA/OoS were all developed by Capcom. That new one looks good.
  3. Google owns YouTube so yeah I imagine that’s their future plans.
  4. I hate what social platforms have done to the internet in general. It’s garbage to be on the internet without an adblocker.
  5. Ike


    Just don't try to march into St. Petersburg in winter.
  6. Raw power doesn't lead to a good console. Xbone X is a prime example. This is targeting the youtube/twitch people more than anything.
  7. I really hope streaming games does not become industry standard. I'd probably quit gaming.
  8. Did you read the post where it saind indies?
  9. Tarantino+Charles Manson=Ownage One of my most anticipated films of the year.
  10. Daughter is about to turn 7, son turned 4, I just turned 30. Why can't life just slow down a little bit. I feel like it's going to be Christmas again in a blink of an eye.
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