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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Keep your head up bro and just keep going. If you’re working now, just keeping putting in effort there. Something will turn up for you.
  2. Started Love Death + Robots, it’s been really great.
  3. Had some jokes on the web about pedo stuff. Pretty much, what anyone else on the net has probably done.
  4. Has anyone watched the new Star Trek? I might want to snag a torrent of it.
  5. Exclusives like any other console. They need to give me a high quality experience that will not be available on anything but their hardware.
  6. BTW, if this is true it'd follow with that alleged Borderlands 3 announcement coming soon.
  7. My bad, I thought Bethesda fell under T2.
  8. So let me get this straight, Bethesda and R* would release their games exclusively on Sony consoles now? That'd be insane.
  9. Super Mario Maker was god tier good.
  10. You're acting like Star Wars was any good since the original trilogy. Hell, even RotJ had some bad parts. Rian Johnson was solely responsible for The Last Jedi along with Kathleen Kennedy. TFA wasn't as bad and I have some hope Abrams can help with Episode IX. Rogue One featured the single best cinematic moment in Star Wars period. The Mandalorian is looking promising especially with Jon Favreau involved as show runner. Disney's approach with Marvel has been very hands off and that's why it's succeeded both commercially and critically. Kevin Fiege has had full control over the narr
  11. I'd pay full price for Super Castlevania IV and SOTN on the same disc/cartridge.
  12. The best news from all this is that Dr. Doom, Galactus, and Silver Surfer all can now be in the MCU. Dr. Doom as the next big bad after Thanos is perfect. He's one of the best villains Marvel has to offer. And to answer your question, Disney is going to recast all of it. Dark Phoenix is the last film in that iteration of the X-men. Logan was the perfect swan song for Wolverine too.
  13. I hope the next Zelda looks like the concept demo for Wii U:
  14. Also, he already played Mushu in Mulan.
  15. GaaS is just the new name for releasing an unfinished game. Also, notice how it's western studios who do this the most. Shit is going to be awful just like all the prior games released like this.
  16. Captain Marvel was a solid 7.5. Decent origin story movie and typical Marvel fare. Larson seems like a good fit for Danvers in the MCU. Excited to see more of the character in Endgame.
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