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Everything posted by Nightshade79

  1. So no Switch 2 until Summer or even November ‘25? Maybe they’re taking their time to make sure production keeps up with demand. Switch was announced 9 years ago.
  2. “Bethesda remains one of the key pillars of Xbox with a strong portfolio of amazing games and thriving communities. As we look to the future, there is an impressive line-up of games on the horizon. In 2024 alone we have Starfield Shattered Space, Fallout 76 Skyline Valley, Indiana Jones and The Great Circle, and The Elder Scrolls Online’s Golden Road.“ their key pillar includes Shitfield DLC and expansion packs for D-tier MMO’s no one plays don’t worry, we can still look forward be being disappointed by Elder Scrolls VI when we get to play it shitting our pants in the r
  3. I stopped playing after 3 hours and uninstalled. Do people really like it enough to make some new account for “player safety” (banning people for being meanies)? Hopefully they make a big enough stink so I can get a refund because the game never clicked with me.
  4. SEGA needs to come back with a home console and help put Micro$hit out to pasture. They're a scourge to gamers everywhere.
  5. Yeah…fuck M$. Dogshit company. Leave real game developers alone before everything turns to ESG outsourced Starshit.
  6. Some better aspects: You don’t have to use the starmap nearly as much as you think. You can scan and gravjump between locations while in the cockpit screen. It keeps the immersion up. No map and no minimap is based. Just use the scanner. It keeps you looking at the world. One mine area had tons of verticality and I was boosting around like a madman headshotting spacers. The gunplay is basic, but it does have its fun moments. You an access your ships cargo from the pause menu and offload everything. Between the companion and ship cargo I’m full hoarder mode with no inventory prob
  7. So many systems are just copypasted from Fallout 4. Especially the basebuilding, housing, and crafting. It’s not like this stuff was great back in 2015 either. How do you not improve upon it at all? Lazy. At least the lock picking is fun, but I’ll probably mod it out of the game after it gets boring for the 1000th time.
  8. 7/10 is about right. It feels very much like a Bethesda RPG that you've done many times before just with a new coat of paint. Performance is shit on PC for these 2016 graphics. They didn't even add DLSS to cover up their shit optimization. I'll still keep playing that garbage! At least until 2033 when the next serving of Toddslop is released (ES6).
  9. It's literally over for hermsmells. I dropped $3k on a brand new PC at the end of 2022, just to get a solid year of shitty AAA devs charging $70 for a game that doesn't run correctly. Don't worry, we still have Starfield to look forward to in September.
  10. The detail in this game is amazing. Doing a tactical reload will leave you with 10+1 in your gun and Leon will store the partially loaded mag back in his pocket. When you unload an empty mag he flicks it on the ground. If you haven't used a gun in a while, Leon will do a press check when he pulls it back out. He also changes to a CAR stance when fighting up close. GOTY tier shit.
  11. $500 to play new games at 45 fps on medium-low One of the best optimized engines and it was crawling during that fight.
  12. 2022 - "Everything Everywhere" 2021 - "CODA" 2020 - "Parasite" 2017 - "Moonlight" 2012 - "The Artist" 2011 - "The King's Speech" 2003 - "Chicago" 2002 - "A Beautiful Mind" Like most popular culture, things peaked around '07-'10. Now everyone is social media brained.
  13. Sony on the fucking ropes. No reason to own a PS5 as your primary platform. MS is now the Disney of gaming, spewing out the same shit annually for the paypiggies to gobble up. Gaming is kinda dead.
  14. I'll buy in at $40...in two fuckin years. Fucking Nintendo.
  15. Can you imagine pulling that shit out in public. rofl. why can't valve just pay a designer. it looks like gabeN sketched in on a napkin one afternoon. It's too heavy as well.
  16. Tasteless western games journos can't handle something that's actually good.
  17. Just secured a PS5 bundle this morning with spiderman ultimate an extra controller and a month of ps now. Today's news confirms I made the right decision for this gen. TLHBO!
  18. It has good mobile support. Why doesn’t blu-ray.com
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