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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. I am only keeping the shitstation because of GT Sport, Persona 5 and Death Stranding. Otherwise, it would have been in the trash can.
  2. Before reveal, cows were the only ones who gave a fuck about looks while the Series X had 2 more teraflops inside. Now cows have the more weak and uglier console. TCHBFR
  3. But the One X already murders the shitstation. If the One X didn't have exclusive software that's entirely MS fault.
  4. Are you going to "ask" Alphonse or "axe" him?
  5. Nigga please gtfo with that excuse. The lemkids had GOTGs years ago.
  6. Stfu clytoriux and get banned. You won't get permed though. The site needs to clown cows like you around here.
  7. If the dimensions are real, cow's jokes about XSX being too big just went out of the window.
  8. It will be the same. It's a remake easily doable on ps4.
  9. I was wowed away with MGS2 for ps2 and MGS4 for PS3. This though looks way too similar to what we have. That game from Gearbox looks like a big pile of turd though.
  10. It will still be the same.
  11. Looks like Bloodborne, a game from 2014.
  12. Interior is outdated. It has 2010's three screens fad. The extetior is also bland. Reminds me of a 2000 Toyota Camry. Also its not reliable. Head gaskets are thr first things that go out. If you try to push it too hard engine will definitely blow up.
  13. Wait for the new one. A supervisor has it and rode inside with him. The car is definitely more powerful and raw than the SI but interior is terrible.
  14. I predict more cooling issues with that design. At least the Series X physical form is more functional.
  15. Absolutely none of them made me think they could only be done on PS5.
  16. Who gives a shit. Game is absolute trash. The most pathetic part is that thing is considered a "project".
  17. Yeah but not in the ass you filthy degenerate.
  18. There are lots of them so you'll probably be unemployed for a long time.
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