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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. the dialog is so bad lol. i'm still not wow'd by it. however, if it seems like it's well received here, i'll give it a shot.
  2. Plot twist: Rami will be Bond’s alter ego.
  3. I’m just saying this “indefying” bullshit is out of control. If it becomes accepted in sports, soon it will be accepted with other shit.
  4. What if they have a baby dick? That’s a physical characteristic that they can use to identify as a child or teen lol. I’m old school - men vs. men; women vs. women
  5. Nope. At this rate, soon adults will say they identify with being a kid or teen, trying to justify pedophilia. This whole “indentifying” crap is getting out of control.
  6. Eh, am I the only one who hates these cheesy designs? Simple black for me.
  7. Ass creed odyssey is really good. I like how you basically have to do the side stuff to progress (in whatever order you want). It feels like a much deeper origins.
  8. Discohobbs his porn was legendary.
  9. Javier is a cool dude. I remember when we hung out at Best Buy for the 360 launch. Also, he made this site happen. Homeboy deserves props. Edit: he also modded my 360 for free
  10. It’s actually pretty awesome as it opens up, but to each is own.
  11. I don’t like fighting games.... and even I want this. It just looks gloriously violent and beautiful.
  12. I definitely recommend playing RDR2 the way you are playing it. I got completely immersed, so I beat it in 2 weeks. However, I can see it causing fatigue for some. A lot of the missions are repetitive. The story, characters, and world are the main attractions. So yeah, take your time!
  13. well, that's why i favor Sony. i love SP experiences. however, yeah, they would be even bigger if they had stronger first party multiplayer games.
  14. There will always be a market for SP games. Also, imagine GaaS offering free new content, every month, for SP titles...like new areas to explore..or new arcs/characters. I rather see that than paying for season passes or buying expansions.
  15. GaaS is a great concept, and i feel every publisher will eventually adopt it.
  16. the oscars have always been garbage. lots of shitty movies have been nominated and/or won. cultural phenomenons usually weasel their way to the lists. also, you get a lot of films that reek of being "woke", or socially conscious "art", aka shape of water.
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