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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Because they are interacting with a literal Russian operative. Guess you forgot that last part, eh?
  2. No, he handed the documents to Kilminik...........a Russian operative who specifically has ties to Russian intelligence. He is Russian. Once again, Manafort handed these documents to Konstantijn Kilminik, who is Russian.
  3. I love it when Saucer knows he's got nothing, so he tries to sound confidence while typing a sentence that trails off. LOL
  4. Kilminik, a Russian operative, getting the papers FROM Paul Manafort, and giving them TO Ukrainians that Paul Manafort has worked for................CONNECTS the Trump campaign with Russia and with Ukraine. And reinforces the fact that Paul Manafort was working with pro-Russian Ukrainians this entire time, which means Manafort has Russian-related contacts this entire time. Even Fox News' Judge Napolitano is saying "well.......this sorta looks like collusion."
  5. I think its a big opportunity for Bungie to continue Destiny. Activision spent a FORTUNE on those commercials to give the IP brand recognition, and now Bungie has sole control of the IP???? That's like Infinity Ward becoming an independent studio and keeping the CoD IP, they're be idiots to not develop a game in that franchise and let its name-recognition start to stagnate. Bungie must have negotiatied a FANTASTIC contract with Activision all those years ago, that makes it clear to Activision that they can't fuck over Bungie should they break the contract.
  6. Saucer wants to avoid talking about that. You see.......................the New York Times have 95% accuracy in its reporting over the courst of hundreds, THOUSANDS of articles means only one thing to people like Saucer. ........it isn't 100% accuracy. And therefore, in Saucer's mind, the New York Times automatically falls to the same level as Dailywire and Breitbart. And therefore Dailywire and Breitbart are, say it with me, "just as good as ANY other news sources, because LOL who believes the news anyway"
  7. I like how you think trying to change the subject over to Bernie is helping you. Its not. Bernie ended up getting pressured in different ways because he was the ONLY opposition to Clinton. You see........Mr. Yang isn't going to get ANY pressure..........because he's not going to get ANY press whatsoever. he'll get less air-time than Martin O'Malley. Maybe even less than Lincoln Chafee. THAT is where your whining will stem from. And you'll have no real reason, because there will be enough big-name candidates during the primary that will drown out
  8. LOL you're gonna be whining every week that the press is "ignoring him" There's going to be over 10 candidates running in the primary, believe me, you are DEFINITELY going to whine that he's being cheated.
  9. I'd like to see as many possible choices on the Democratic side debate each other and determine which one has the most cohesive and effective message. As of right now, the best candidate that I see, with the best overall credentials is probably Elizabeth Warren. She's got both the academic and political experience. If there's one that Trump has taught us is that you can't just bring in some guy from another industry and come in and pretend he knows what to do in the political world. That's the biggest flaw in Vini's choice. He purposely chose him because HE
  10. screenshotted. thank you. this ties in perfectly with the thread from the previous night about who is the loser on this forum. i think that deserves a second thank you. LOL
  11. No, that sounds like really pathetic excuses. You're not even going to sit through a Star Wars movie on lasedisc watching it on 425p. LOL
  12. Bungie is probably worth alot more now than they were when they left Microsoft. They would be smart to try and churn out a Destiny 3 and give themselves on more payday. However, the main reason why Bungie only completed 2 Destiny games in 8 years with Activision was because they are stuck with a horrific game engine that is slowing down their development process. Bungie..............rhymes with spongey. A sponge LOOKS like the moon. And moon is the SAME SHAPE AS THE NUMBER OF EXCLUSIVES THAT THE XBOX ONE HAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy fucking
  13. No, they won't. And big sign will be when you start making more posts because you know he's not gaining any traction. And an even bigger sign will be when you start to promote the idea that he's being "suppressed" by the Democratic establish as your own personal attempt to create a scandal. LOL We already see this coming from a country mile.
  14. LOL, you guys are better off downloading the fan-made HD project that collecting and rebuilt the movie from various media sources at the highest possible resolutions and then color corrected everything. The "Despecialized" Editions of the Star Wars original Trilogy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harmy's_Despecialized_Edition
  15. Saw this movie at the dollar theaters because it was already out of the normal theaters in late December. One of the best movie WATCHING experiences, but its not really that good of a movie even though I can appreciate its approach to being realistic. The wife is.........not good. They do everything they can to give her depth, but she has no depth, she still falls into the same cliches that we see in these movies. Ryan Gosling is effective in the sense that Neil Armstrong is a boring, stoic person. You don't ever get the feeling that you want to "root" for h
  16. Man who hasn't held any political office, and Vini is primarily pushing him because he comes from the Jordan Peterson "incel who is trying to disguise themselves as an academic intellectual" camp. And he's trying to talk politics outside of the politics thread. AND he already posted about this guy..............and nobody paid attention, so he tried doing it a second time. lol
  17. LOL he thinks running the jonb playbook is going to help him. Now thats what I call desperate.
  18. That's what I think is going to happen. The dimensions of the unit can be the same or even MORE wider, as long as the USB-C port lines up in the middle then it would still slide into the dock.
  19. I like how Dynocrap is promising that Democrats are going to lose..............right after an election in which Democrats took away 40 seats from Republicans.
  20. This is just too perfect. Especially after the previous sentence where he talks glowingly about people who collect VHA and Betamax tapes. Even better how I explained to him how Laserdiscs have no real benefits at this point.
  21. That's like you standing outside of a Chinese buffet and seeing people walk out heaving and vomiting. And you say to yourself "other people's reaction to the food means nothing to me" and you proceed to walk in. Like I said................IF I were speaking to a person who had the capability of such situational awareness.
  22. Wonder if somebody from Trump's side is going to take that internal polling data and give it to a Russian spy.
  23. holy shit, did I type "inaugurate", fucking firefox spell-correct. it was meant to spell-check the word guarantee.
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