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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Ah............the ole "the bank left its vault open...........therfore if I go in and take the money, the police can't charge me with a crime." Really, this stuff has been debunked? Where? Comey claims that Trump fired him because he asked to drop the Flynn investigation. Where's the debunk? Trump claimed that he never was doing business with Russia during the campaign, and we found a letter of intent to build a Trump Tower Moscow in September 2016 with Trump's signature. Where's the debunk? Trump directed Michael Cohen to pay Stormy
  2. I love that I made him panick and try to run over to new arguments. Rustled jimmies. The Xbox One is going to lose this generation, and be last. You're best hope is trying to declare the Vita to be part of this generation.
  3. Pretty sure that a presidential campaign coordinating with a foreign state to commit hacking into an opponents campaign email servers so that they can find material to HELP win an election. and then: -Obstructing Justice in people who are trying to investigate the potential crimes I think that is a bit more than just regular weekly "bullshit" from Washington. But hey, if you have some stories about George W Bush colluding with the Saudis or Bill Clinton working with the Libyans or something like that, please let me know. If this were 1988, a
  4. Nope...........you don't determine that criteria. Thanks again.I love how you are doing this because you KNOW that Xbox is losing. That's the best part out of all of this.
  5. You can't undo the XBO losing to the Switch. Thanks.
  6. Peddling continuous news stories that are breaking almost every single week = constantly peddling bullshit Dude...............I couldn't do a better job of portraying you as a right-wing stereotype if I tried. You've done it for me.
  7. Nope, you can't define generations. I love that you just got caught TRYING to find a way out of Xbox One being 3rd place. Like.............nobody did this to you, you literally created a thread and set yourself up for this. "just rustlin' jimmies" = the guy who made his own thread to try and establish his own pathetic logic. Somebody already had their jimmies rustling for quite some time, it appears. LOL
  8. Nope its in last place in sales. And its going to be permenant 3rd place when the Switch surpasses it during 2019. The Xbox One had a 3.5 year head start....................and still lost.
  9. He's trying to find a technicality to declare that Xbox One cannot be in third place...........because he's ruled out the Switch as being part of this console gen. Yes............he's really trying to say that. Oh man, this has got to be one of the saddest threads I've seen in quite some time.
  10. He just completed his own self-ownage. And he is now trying to say that the point of this whole thread was to argue about defining a console generation. And he also just DECLARED that the Switch is the first next-gen console, above the PS4 and XBO/XBOS/XBOX Oh my god. He's trading in one stupid argument, for two stupid arguments that he has a lesser chance of winning
  11. Except yours is rustled the MOST............because you typed this thread out of nowhere. Who, exactly..............was trying to lord the Wii U over you?????? Is it picture settling in for you, yet?
  12. This has got to be one of the saddest pair of sentences I have ever read in the history of this entire forum. Do you think there's sheep going around saying "Sony lost the PS3 generation. PS4 generation? SO what, they lost they PS3 generation." Not even bodycount would get caught typing something like that. LOL
  13. I never understood this. Why do lemmings GO OUT OF THEIR WAY.................nobody is forcing them to make these threads........they're going out of their way to type these threads. They go out of their way to INVENT LOGIC to make themselves feel good for a VERY SHORT period of time, and they do it at the expense of fucking themselves and having themselves beaten with their OWN LOGIC months and years down the line. How desperate do you have to be to give up far more than what you temporarily get?
  14. Ah.............so when Xbox One is beaten by the Switch during 2019. It will be LEAST in sales AND lead in exclusives. So, that means that its a DOUBLE failure on both of those fronts, huh?????? Good to know.
  15. No.......the people who are crying that there is an immigration crisis ARE Xenophobes. That is one of the core values of being a xenophobe. You are the one trying to CLAIM that I am giving labels to people...........except you are the one trying to get me to labels things that I'm not. (neo-nazis) Which.........in itself, means that you are the one promoting the stereotype. And on top of that you're trying to play a VICTIM, again. In a thread in which I'm making fun of 20-something males acting like absolute pussies.
  16. What's that? The Wii U had more exclusives in two years than Xbox One has had in 6 years?
  17. I like how you think that continuing to pretend that you don't understand my first post is going to work. Its really not. Being a xenophobe is pretty straightforward definition, it means that you do not prefer people who are not like you. You are the one trying to offer one-dimensional labels. And............you're TRYING to claim yourself as a VICTIM. This is the best strategy you have, at this point?
  18. You really couldn't make this easier for me, if you tried. [DavidP]: "I demand that you be the stereotype that I am attempting to portray you as!!!"
  19. No, not really. Neo Nazis actually have some guts to show who they are and make their beliefs direct. Alt-right'ers specifically try to portray themselves as rational thinking Americans who pretend to be citizens who support all American policies regarding people's rights. See.........you're TRYING to move my argument into me simply labelling all right-leaning people at Neo-Nazis. You're not remotely smart enough to do it.
  20. LOL. Kelly wasn't even chief of staff when that happened. H.R. McMaster was trotted out to debunk it, and didn't do a very good job of it. Remember that press conference in front of the White House drive way where he was seemingly contradicting himself? LOL
  21. Jesus, this sounds even more serious when contextualized from a bigger point of view:
  22. that poor bastard just pointed to himself?
  23. d...........dis...a....point....ed? This. A. Point. THIS IS A POINT!!!!! And which developer features a prominent "point" in their logo????????
  24. No. Sweetie.............you're not smart enough to get out of this. Not even close.
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