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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. What is xbox then, if not a flop? An entirely irrelevant dud brand with no games, just garbage.
  2. The retarded thing is the last game was censored just a few years back. Not like we're even talking about proper nudity here - something which still goes uncensored in games. This is literally a reaction to the SJW culture. I mean look at the kickoff over the last one, Tecmo-Koei couldn't even release it in the west becausd of these people. I'm sure if there was a trans DOA lady with her dick out though that would be ok as it would be progressive
  3. I think the last one was PS4/Vita anyway. Xbox is a joke to these people.
  4. Becauae Microsoft has no clue about gaming or what gamers want. Look at all the garbage they used to publish on the OG xbox. Look at how the late 360 onwards era became forza forza halo halo gears gears kinect. They simply don't have a clue
  5. This is microsoft going back to their DRM plans which anyone but the lemtards always knew they would.
  6. Look at what happens when Microsoft troes to get creative. Two $500 consoles and yet still 5 fucking long years without an AAA exclusive
  7. Sony should just announce "TLHBR!".
  8. I don't see what's so surprising about this. After a year of banger aftsr banger after banger - Sea of Thieves into State of Decay 2 into Forza 2k19, it's obvious that xbox gamers have been bisy with too many other games to bother with RDR2.
  9. The Japs are crazy. Sony censors the game becauae of fucktards like Autismo in here who post at Resetera. I couldn't care less avout weeaboo filth but its funny how its fine in Japan yet our culture we're straight up told "you can not play this". But if it was a game encouraging young children to be gay or trannys it would be instant GOTY and celebrated everywhere.
  10. The guy who bragged about SoD2 ragging on 5.0 games again
  11. Lmao exactly going back to old games is good....except when we're using it to laugh at lemmings then its suddenly bad. DellBHBO
  12. Isn't that funny. I'm sure is has nothing to do with the fact that you have no choice in the matter
  13. Oh fucking please you lemmings have been making this out to be an all-time classic for years now. I mean how many games do you lemshits go back to play and then brag about on here when they get an X patch? Witcher 3? Old CoD? You and Deeno did them all
  14. Whole system is corrupt. Dems cheating as always. No wonder you're buying it hokl, line and sinker....just like you did with the Russian pee tape
  15. Damn. Lemmings kept touting this as one of the last reasons to own an xbox too since it was one of the few unique games they had. I'd get it but it was kind of balls. The missions were all "kill 10 of these things while grinding around" got repetitive as hell. Literally no point to it after seeing what Insomniac did with Spider-Man
  16. Lemmings truly have stockholm syndrome. I think they actually believe the shit they type at this point. Or maybe you're right. We need to investigate a link between smoking weed and being satisfied with only playing a Forza rehash every year.
  17. Spider-man - shit God of war - shit Uncharted - shit Bloodborne - shit Etc etc Bur hey I'm gonna go buy the console that has Six of Thieves, 5tate of Decay and Crackdown 3
  18. You got Banjo-Threeie 10 years ago lemmings, it was an abomination the day Rare died.
  19. And lemmings still think its not hobo pass Xbox is the poundworld of the videogame industry. This is the console you buy a 7 year old for spongebob and minecraft, or what the chavs buy for an occasional game of fifa or cod. Playstation is a premium brand. I think this is extremely evident when you compare the first party games across the two consoles. One is for braindead casuals who only want a generic racer every year, the other console is for those with sophisticated tastes.
  20. Probably something like this
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