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Everything posted by roflpwnedz

  1. Anything to do with setting a new record or maximum capacity. We all know it's bullshit
  2. Probably whoever deleted the post where I said you should have died instead of your friend.
  3. This is why covid should have taken you instead of your friend.
  4. Then I remembered they're not Obsidian. That old Indiana Jones game on PC was really good though
  5. Look at those bullet holes. 👏🏿 Unrelated, but have any of you seen a manatee within an arm's distance?
  6. Speaking of old lines and you're receding hairline....have you learned how to use autocorrect yet? Or does it not detect stupid?
  7. Surprised they didn't do this earlier. Ben and Jerry's has been shit for a while now.
  8. Why is this news? Oh cause you people haven't been paying attention
  9. This game runs pretty damn well and looks very good. It defaulted to mostly the highest settings on my 5700 flashed to xt. 2560x1440 but yeah....after messing around with it I think I'm gonna stick to those settings and vsync it to 37 fps. Kind of a weird number to set it at. I hadn't seen that before. I suppose I could mess with the resolution scaling but that's for later. So far im ok with this.
  10. gotdamn sw hype and irl hype got me to spend $60 on this shit. this better be good
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