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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. While this is true, and never be surprised by what kinks rich people have. Trump hates women too much, and is way too insecure to let another man see him let a woman do anything dominate to him. Even if that shit was true, no one would believe it other than people who really hate Trump (hell I hate Trump too, but dont think this is true.) But it will be funny to see President Snowflake get triggered by this.
  2. You do realize that iphones cost the same as pretty much any other flagship phone right? Also, how is half of the population some sort of exclusive club? lol
  3. Just let developers do what they can, damn. I'll give shit to companies but fucking gamers with their bullshit about resolution or particle effects need to stfu sometimes.
  4. Lol do people really expect a good Halo 6? Like what does that even look like? The charm of big blockbusters is the how far you're pulled into the world and honestly you can line up all of the halo games and no one would ba able to tell them apart. There are few games that can keep their appeal that many iterations in and those that do usually have a way of refreshing the experience a bit so it doesn't all just bleed together. Plus halo 4 was garbage, and I didn't hear much about Halo 5. So why would people have their hopes up for infinite?
  5. That's the final stage of Trump supporting. Just pretend what is happening isn't actually happening. I had a shoot last night and the girl wanted to display her ACAB tat so I figured she's definitely not MAGA and we end up talking for hours about his corruption. This isn't the normal slow moving, hits you in a decade kind of corruption or even his using world leader connections for personal bail outs like Jared, or the dodgey Ukraine call. This is legit a smash and grab job.
  6. Lol imagine an already weird dude like George sitting in public drawing naked women.
  7. Like I honestly hope that's fake news or whatever. This whole thing with the post office and mail in voting seems to fucking corrupt that if sounds like a conspiracy theory instead of real life.
  8. Technically there is a deadline for a new President. I know on Jan 20th or whatever, a new President must be sworn in. I dont think it would take that long even in a jank election. Republicans have worked against the USPS for over a decade now. Trump hates them because of Amazon and he's jealous of anyone making more money that he does, or being more popular, more attractive....
  9. lol dudes are interchangable too. If Sheepkilla and George or Ranik and Bytchre changed accounts no one would even notice.
  10. What are you even doing with your PC? Didn't you buy like a VHS camera just 2 months ago?
  11. Everyone needs to chill. We're only like a month or two away from the internet heating up over gaming. I'd be money if the PS5 is expensive or whatever Jon and DC will magically appear like Candyman to make post about it. I think it was wise the split the forum a few months back as a response to COVID and world issues coming up since we're at the end of the gen, and quarantines meant game delays, and delays in typical gaming info goldmining. When things got heated I think there was a bit of over reaction. Forum's have growing pains and you cant change full directions too quickly. Anyway, as so
  12. To Ghostz it's still 2007 and an iPhone is still a status symbol despite the fact that fucking middle school kids have them now.
  13. Yeah, he's doing that David Rubin thing where they pretend they're a disaffected liberal who is seeing "too much" SJW stuff going on so they have to regretfully side with people who are fine with fascism, racism, misogyny, and homo/transphobia because they're the reasonable ones.
  14. Yes, this man is someone's grandfather and president of the united states. There needs to be a team of psychologist to figure what the fuck is wrong with this man.
  15. "Mr President, Kim Jung Un threatened to bomb Japan because his wife is always calling out your name in bed. Do you think your sex appeal is too much for a President to have?
  16. Oh shit, he just jumped to OANN's hot reporter to answer. Fucking GOLD.
  17. This motherfucker is holding a campaign rally in the disguise of a Corona virus briefing. Trump essentially offered America a bribe after laughing for ten minutes that he wont fund mail-in voting.
  18. Oh please spare us. It's always the same people who are more tripped out about one person losing their job but not actually give a fuck about people being hurt or killed. Well, not by Antifa I suppose.
  19. More distraction talking points so people dont pay attention to the real struggle. What a side to be on.
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