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Everything posted by nitric

  1. I need to beat TLOU2, sell it and buy this banger
  2. I’m making sure he stays in his lane. Don’t get your feelings too hurt.
  3. What about people that are openly racist and proud of it?
  4. So how does it work when you get political in a thread that’s about making the forum politics free?
  5. All good. Just have jerry ignore ghostz and vice versaand the quality of the board would ten fold
  6. Looks like the incels will foam at the mouth on this one
  7. How about enforce bans on any type of racism and race bait posts? A lot of people get away with blatant race baiting. *cough* @ghostz life matters *cough*
  8. “Trump 2020” don’t pretend you aren’t part of it
  9. Maybe he got tired of people calling him a rat
  10. This needs to become the norm now. One year in prison after potentially putting a poc in a life threatening situation by making shit up
  11. Imagine being 35 years old and posting like @Bodycount N
  12. Sounds like lemming cucks that read spoilers and started attacking her.
  13. Wait ghostz has a budget TV and is complaining about HDR? Fucking moron
  14. It’s usually upsetting when a clown runs a country into the ground in less than four years and makes the country a laughing stock across the world
  15. Lmao did they not mean to name it Village for the sole purpose to use VIII?
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