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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-08-30 in Posts

  1. Britfgts? Motherfucker I will pin your fat ass down and waterboard you with teapot until your teeth rot and fall out.
    4 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Don't worry, they made all the money back with those $1 subs
    2 points
  4. AAA games and games with a busy UI are AWFUL on phone sized screens. Tablet size makes it work but at that point get a laptop. These shits aint portable. Used to be able to put these in your pocket now you need a bookbag to carry these shits around. I tried a few games on my phone using Xcloud and im like yep cant even see this shit. It didnt make sense.
    2 points
  5. ha, yeah, some parts are "eh"...but damn, when it does tension, it nails it! oh, and this japanese girl
    2 points
  6. Even tho it's an actress playing a character, I think we all know she was sending special messages just to me personally
    2 points
  7. Apparently a big part of it was done via cardboard drones from Australia. Nintendo Labo Drone Edition when?
    2 points
  8. PlayStation Plus price has increased 12-months: Essential - $79.99 Extra - $134.99 Premium - $159.99 🤣 old prices: $60/$100/$120
    1 point
  9. You mean this google? lmfao keep saying stupid shit please. This is part of why you suck so much. The poll isn't good for either candidate but your lizard brain automatically makes this some op by Google to make a random poll not show up to protect Joe Biden to appease the DNC?
    1 point
  10. Halo Infinite gameplay was fucking amazing tho. Its a great game. Its not a great Halo game. MP was also really good.
    1 point
  11. Well, i got to the last main mission I have a few side missions left, a couple BG missions, and a couple companion missions to wrap up. Just clocked 82 hours. I gonna get this wrapped up hopefully by the end of next week. Gonna estimate total gametime of around 95-100 hours. Take a couple day breather than jump right back in to another 100 hours of Starfield Im not going to place life aside for that game like i did BG3 tho. Or i hope i wont, at least. I dont think i will be addicted to SF like i am BG. But we shall see i suppose. All these other games too
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. US mercenaries clearing out trenches.
    1 point
  14. The PS5 seller is backing out. I knew it was too good to be true. There’s no way PS5 even has 14 games worth playing l, and he didn’t say if they were downloaded games in his account. How would I even get them?
    1 point
  15. I think they need more high quality western made armored vehicles. They're cheap, easier to support when it comes to training and logistics, and far more survivable than the garbage BMPs and BTRs that Ukraine is currently using. I don't know why the U.S. doesn't just drop like 500 Bradleys on Ukraine at once and call it a day. Those would have a big impact.
    1 point
  16. No doubt! Can't forget about having to train people to fly these machines. Russia's AA is good enough to keep AFU far from the front line when they're doing their sorties. I am not entirely convince a fleet of F-16s will make a major difference, but I'd like to be wrong.
    1 point
  17. Training pilots is probably more costly and longer than tank crews though. I know I come across as a Russian supporter but I've been crying for Ukraine to get air support for the longest time. This would allow the AFU to get rid of the Alligators with ease completely removing Russian air superiority. I doubt it will allow them to strike deep in Russian territories, like I said, AA weapons these days are really efficient, not sure about Russia's though.
    1 point
  18. Fuck the tank; lets compare it to an F-16, and that's a nearly 50 year old air frame that's still being produced today. From what I can see they cost around $30-35 million vs. $7-9 million for an M1 Abrams. Building cheap drones that can carry a decent size payload is definitely the way to go. I don't know how much they cost, but I see $100K being thrown around every once in a while.
    1 point
  19. wooow looks like Ukraine is finally firing missiles at Russian territory Doubt its storm shadow, likely was instead the Ukranian developed Neptune missiles that they recently modified to be able to hit ground targets. This is significant because it means they can retaliate if Russia decides to attack civilian infrastructure this winter to make Ukraine cold and dark.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. yeah thats dumb. Huge waste. Even 1080p is excessive. I tried Cyberpunk at 900p on my ally and was super impressed by how much better it ran, while looking essentially identical to 1080p output.
    1 point
  22. i guess it's fine in short bursts. my eyes are kind of fucked now, though (i think it's from all of the video editing i do).
    1 point
  23. The latest episode, season 2 ep 2 is the worst one. Just kinda boring. Or maybe it’s because I binged it and now have nothing else to watch until next Wednesday.
    1 point
  24. I think the size of their screens is the achilles heel for both the Deck and Ally. The power of these systems is intended to let you play Triple A games in a portable format but the display size clashes with that. Those games are just too detailed nowadays to be comfortable on a 7 inch display. So Lenovo has the right idea but admittedly based on my experience working with their computers and accessories, they're just not a high quality brand. I expect this device to have its own set of issues.
    1 point
  25. who cares what britfgts think, they can't even think straight because they are all starving from malnutrition
    1 point
  26. i like the concept of a bigger screen, but i still think the SD is the best built of the soon-to-be big 3.
    1 point
  27. I remember when cows are talking about gamepass ultimate price increase. TCHBFR
    1 point
  28. ha possibly, but DF and other uk sites have it. they just targeted certain places.
    1 point
  29. Payback for the CMA trying to block their deal. When it's done MS will send UK reviewers cloud only codes
    1 point
  30. Haha came in to post this. Same. Fully caught up now. There are some eye rolling moments but I’m intrigued to see where it goes.
    1 point
  31. I can see why some may not like it. It’s heavily focused on character drama, as the alien invasion slowly unfolds.
    1 point
  32. I’ve been considering checking that out for a while. I heard mixed things but the concept is very much up my alley.
    1 point
  33. Just get the switch. Don't buy the ps5 You'll regret it. It is a pos
    1 point
  34. This game can’t even hit 4K/60fps on a 4090 w/ low settings https://www.dsogaming.com/articles/immortals-of-aveum-cannot-run-at-native-4k-60fps-on-nvidia-rtx-4090-even-on-low-settings/#:~:text=Search-,Immortals of Aveum cannot run at Native 4K%2F60fps on,4090%2C even on Low Settings&text=Immortals of Aveum is a,have not been released yet.
    1 point
  35. According to reports from this morning they broke through the line in verbove and are on the outskirts of that town. Once this defensive line is breached in a few other areas Russia will have no choice but to retreat and give up the surrounding area.
    1 point
  36. I'd buy that PS5 with 14 games and pretend it's a PS4 like ramza said.
    1 point
  37. It never began. They put a VR mode in GT7, paid Capcom for a VR mode in RE Village and that's it.
    1 point
  38. Sony Bend - Wipeout VR (exclusive to PSVR2) Team Asobi - Astro Bot 2 (exclusive to PSVR2) Media Molecule - Some crappy ass game maker thing London Studio - Blood and Truth 2 (exclusive to PSVR2) Bluepoint - Ico HD remaster with optional VR mode Santa Monica studio - New Twisted Metal with optional VR mode
    1 point
  39. I still open every vase i see
    1 point
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