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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Not to mention that Halo has the lamest alien designs in gaming history.
  2. Literally just looks like art for the first Halo. Put this series to bed.
  3. Took you this long to figure out what the meme meant?
  4. Yes, it is pooling women to places for "alpha" males to pick up women. Totally unfair for simps who can't talk to girls.
  5. Count how many words in this sentence starts with the letter "F" To which there are none. So basically: count to zero.
  6. I always hated the phrase "I can't" but there's no other way to describe Trump's bullshit. Some how Kanye losing his mind on Twitter is still better than what I President says in official capacities.
  7. I mean doing things legally isn't exactly this administration's MO. I assume they'll probably use some obscure national security loophole to do it.
  8. Hearing Chris Wallace talk about the interview is entertaining. He mentions that Trump was angry because it was like 100 degrees and he was melting. "Trump wanted to know whose great idea it was to do it outside? " CW: It was his. He said that he looks better outdoors than inside so he wanted to do it in the garden.
  9. No one wants Don Jr around. lol It's like Ivanka is hot as fuck so she get's by but this do-nothing douche bag. Ni##a please.
  10. Putting this diplomatically...the "right leaning" posters here seem to always play a shell game with logic when debating. "Tyrannical" governments can exist whilst not committing genocide.
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