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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Universal Gaming PC advice: "Wait until the newer version of what you're planning to buy comes out in 6 months."
  2. He seems like the type where both scenarios could be true as neither is any better than the other.
  3. I might, I admit it's a dickish thing to avoid this movie over but doing a Joker movie that's removed from the Batman universe just doesn't do it for me. I dont mind a Joker centric movie per se at all. I just find it ridiculous to do one that's completely removed from the source material in this way.
  4. I might. We were trolling through HBO Now for something to watch now that we wrapped up Legend of Korra. I saw Shazam was on there too. I have to admit that fucking costume is so ridiculous it put me off to the movie initially.
  5. It was better than most of the DCEU films, but like Justice League made half of the money it did. It was smart giving the role to Momoa though. The whole thing looked like a videogame tho. That desert Scene looked like a stage prop.
  6. Watched Aquaman last night. How the fuck did this movie make a billion dollars? lol Also what's with the push of 4K when movies have effects this bad? At one point it looks like they're standing in front of painted cardboard.
  7. I dont care, but it's also bullshit to say "who cares". At some point game makers presented a barrel to bend over and gamers dropped their pants an assumed the position.
  8. As bad as it is in America atm, I'd still take it over Canada. Thanks tho!
  9. Been there, done that. They've been boarding up shops all over nyc. There's been looting and we are now on day two of a curfew. It's an interesting time to be alive.
  10. Which people? It's not like pedophilia is something new, it's illegal and the type of think generally looked down up by all of society.
  11. You were crying about how your girl left you in the forum chat, genius.
  12. How would I know what he's doing for a living? This doesn't even concern you and is exactly the merry go round bullshit Alphonse is talking about.
  13. Wasnt your life plan to move to Japan? How am I supposed to know if that happened?
  14. How did I back down? I mentioned in an unrelated post that there was a curfew in NYC when they sent a text alert. Let's not forget you're the one who chickened out of a fight before and was too afraid to meet Spicoli to man up. lol Ghostz trying to make a friend.
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