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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I'll think about buying and playing this game when it comes to PC where some nerd will hopefully mod the game to fix Neil's fuck ups. Until then I'll watch the bootleg version from some streamer on twitch, for free... with ads so that the content creator get some money from it
  2. Pfft, reviewers won't have the balls to flop this game. We all know that. But fuck it... I'll play.. you can ban me. Gamespot - 8 IGN - 10 Meta - 91
  3. Two companies who's entire purpose and reason for being is videogames... VS the other who's entire gaming division is a rounding error's worth of their overall business
  4. lmao releasing a trailer to damage control the leaks
  5. Apple couldn't even save VR
  6. When Nintendo does it both of you culeros will love it
  7. I'm looking forward to hearing your opinion once you've finished it.
  8. I loved them too. I remember being blown away by the FMV backgrounds lol
  9. Yea, mine just stopped working as you made this thread.
  10. I think you'll be surprised. Like dude... there's current gen games... and within that bracket of games there are AAA productions like TLOU2, God of War, RDR2, and Detroit... and then there's garbage at the other end. It's all running on the same hardware... it's all in the same generation.. Give devs a bit of time to actually get going. They probably haven't even had real dev kits since about a year ago.. You're going to see a AAA Sony game... and you're going to shit your pants dude... you know damn well it's coming. These consoles have something FAR more going fo
  11. Oh... keep playing Mr. P ... I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the ending
  12. With Twinblade's logic, the LEGO Star Wars games are big budget titles because they have the Star Wars license...
  13. Lmao... listen to MYSELF? Dude... it's the DEPONIA developers... this game has fuck all for budget... Its a game with GOLUM as the main character.... This is as budget as it gets who the fuck are you kidding? And no... game graphics are NOT EVEN CLOSE to peaking..🤣
  14. Thats not what you said. That isn't diminishing returns.... You're using a game by the developers of the... Deponia series... to back up your claim... How vast are the differences between high production value games and budget games this gen?? Quite a huge difference. Don't be expecting leading edge visuals from these devs. And don't be using cross gen games either... no shirt they aren't going to look worlds apart at first.
  15. Starving Sheep will take anything thrown at them at this point
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