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Everything posted by Casual

  1. damn, remij butthurt already? classic. forum is better with him on ignore tbh.
  2. Bang bang bang, chalk up another GOTY for the good guys.
  3. i always get the alerts but by the time i figure out if it's one of the "good" version of the cards it's too late.
  4. My buddies and I played a ton of 3 back in the day. Good times.
  5. the combat was way worse than WoW, at least XBC. I had a great time with the game, but none of that was a result of the combat. I unno if it gets better in the other ones.
  6. @-GD-X Remind me...if I'm on the last stretch of a palace, but have say 10 days to complete it, is there any reason to finish early? I seem to remember once you beat the palace you get pushed to the deadline date, essentially losing that time? Or am I tripping?
  7. still never played judgment, i should check it out. i also wanna replay 0 and still haven't played LAD.
  8. I enjoyed it for what it was but it's definitely the type of game I could only play once every couple years or so. I put it down for a pretty long while halfway through before going back and finishing up.
  9. Casual

    My dog

    Good pup right there
  10. Yeah it’s a dumb device just made to get some quick $ from virgins who praise fat gabe
  11. pretty crazy it took long to get the em/nas track.
  12. sure, like i said tho could be a while lol. i have the evga one you posted.
  13. Haven't bothered doing any OCing (haven't really researched though, not sure how good this cpu/gpu are for that - i got a massive "be quiet" cooler so i should have some headroom). Also still plan on getting a better gpu when they become a bit more available...that said, im having no real issues at 1440p for any of the games im currently playing. valorant/wow/ffxiv are taking up most of my time and d2 remastered is going to consume me once that comes out. so maybe ill just hold out for the 4000 series. we'll see if battlefield is good and how it runs if it is.
  14. some days i forget how bad MS did rare. just killed an absolutely legendary developer. can't wait to do 27 more times, minus the legendary part since most of those devs already kinda suck.
  15. Man I almost forgot just how good Persona 5 is. Game just has so much damn style and it oozes through in everything from the graphics to the music to the interface. Really brings me back to the N64/PS1 era where even menus and the like were an extension of the games style, obviously most were not nearly done this well, but in a world where everything feels so standardized I really appreciate this stuff. I definitely like a clean UI as much as the next guy, and most devs couldn’t pull this off anyway, but it’s certainly a nice change of pace.
  16. 5 weeks, 2 “floater” days and unlimited sick/appointment days.
  17. Trying to get an idea of anything I might have missed/what should be on my radar. so far my GOTY would be between Returnal and MH Rise. Probably give Rise the nod. by year end it’ll almost certainly be Diablo II Resurrected unless they really shit the bed somehow.
  18. Halo MP hasn’t aged well unfortunately. Everything looks and feels so sluggish. I remember how shocked I was playing the Halo 3 MP in MCC. Add in that this is being developed by a c tier studio and yeah.
  19. https://kotaku.com/inside-blizzard-developers-infamous-bill-cosby-suite-1847378762
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