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Everything posted by Casual

  1. Ah my bad, I should have had American Gangster on there. It does have a Nas feature afterall.
  2. Also a relevant banger. It's Dark and Hell is Hot is a top 10 rap album of all time don't @ me.
  3. Nas > Jay. Nas is the goat. They both ultimately have highs and lows in their catalogues but imo Nas has higher highs that have aged more gracefully. Illmatic is the greatest pure rap album of all time and I can't see it being topped ever. I could listen to that album front to back every day for the rest of my life. Concise, technical writing while still telling a compelling story, perfect production, not a single bad track, Nas just glides over those beats in the smoothest way possible. The Score is the only album that comes close to Illmatic for me.
  4. Yeah that scene gave me chills. You'll probably love 1917...I'm not much of a movie guy so I can imagine you'll appreciate the direction much more than I already did!
  5. Saw 1917 the other week and Just Mercy over the weekend. Both were real dope. The way they shot 1917 was so cool.
  6. yikes. awful hire for blizzard. classic wow will be their last good release. shame, i've been playing diablo ii lately, such a great game.
  7. Yeah. Oh well, at least we know it's only dumbos getting exploited. 80% of backers still live at their parents house in a room full of video game figurines and anime posters.
  8. I won't get the retail version later cause it's an awful game. I'm just baffled that people would essentially give a dev the full price of a game (a last gen port at that) without even knowing the quality. Did these people learn nothing from Shenmue 3? Oh and based on the Resetera thread the port is being done by a questionable dev? Kamiya is really taking his fanclub for a ride lmao. Gotta respect the hustle.
  9. lol at those goals. how bout you release a game and then have people buy it? bargain bin ass charity seeking devs.
  10. Ehhhhh. Dunno how I feel about this one tbh. Not a huge fan of either games art style.
  11. how does a thread of about a c-tier developer porting a terrible game have this many replies?
  12. Fuck man. Watched Lebron pass him in points last fucking night. Terrible man. Young kids too, always seemed so happy courtside with his daughter
  13. Gameplay was decent. Rest of the game was awful.
  14. meh, the first one was good in 2007 but doesn't hold up imo. the other two always sucked.
  15. E3 is basically dead anyway. Aren't they "rebranding" this year to focus more on gamers and influencers as opposed to have it be a media/news thing? e3 used to be dope back in the day. i remember coming home from high school during those three days and having so many new games and footage to check out. now everything is already announced beforehand and you just get some shitty not-in game trailers. like it's just one long advertisement and not even news for the most part.
  16. nice, ill get myself prepared for more MPT disappointment.
  17. Hope you got your friends consent to post their picture on a forum where at least 30% of the members are on some sort of FBI list.
  18. This guy fucks. merry Xmas y’all.
  19. yeah not gonna listen to what the personification of resetera has to say. take all their shitty opinions and lame ass threads and stick them together and this guy is your megazord.
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