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Everything posted by Casual

  1. Might grab it in 15 years when it's out of early access. Assuming the game is actually good unlike the original.
  2. Yep. Those guys wouldn't survive circa-2002 System Wars. Would have been hanging from a shower rod 3 hours after Blinx flopped. It's funny too cause the people there will swear up and down that it's not a far left wing forum.... I dunno what others they're visiting. But the views of people on Resetera certainly don't match the average person in real life. It's why they're so often disappointed in things. They hear the same opinions being repeated over and over on that forum and then they start to think it's actually the popular opinon....
  3. Yeah, the whole place is just an echo chambers of negativity and victim mentality at this point.
  4. Stay away from Resetera man, it'll make you suicidal. https://www.resetera.com/threads/the-mental-health-of-this-community-read-staff-post-before-posting.172243/
  5. I still gotta finish (start) the first one. That and Bloodstained are on my to do list for metroidvanias.
  6. Hmm. Looks solid. Bit too weeb but I said the same thing about Fire Emblem and it ended up being top 3 of the year for me.
  7. Nah, that's what I thought for the longest time. It's a persistent shooter with quests that are done in online matches, there's about 12 maps you can queue into with anywhere from 6-15ish other players as well as random CPU enemy spawns. There's no HUD, no map, no radar, etc. It's all hyper realistic...different health pools for different parts of your body...you can have limbs broken, bleed out, etc. You have your character that you outfit with items from your inventory before each match. You have to equip them with everything from guns, attachments, ammo, a vest, body armor, helmets, bandage
  8. When it's released, sure. Once that shit's been out for a couple years it'll have 500 teraFLOPS available for the lemtards to buy.
  9. 700 for Ovie. Greatest goal scorer of all time.
  10. Never was able to get into one of these. Might try again though, I was the same with Fire Emblem till Three Houses.
  11. Path of Exile. Expansion is out soon, and f2p. Good time to hop in
  12. Been getting into Escape from Tarkov. Game is fantastic, one of the best and most fresh gameplay loops I've encountered recently, not sure how it wasn't on my radar until recently. Still doing some WoW Classic. Just raid logging for the most part at the moment.
  13. Heard it's pretty buggy and that the end game is lacking. PoE is the way to go for an ARPG at the moment, and they're about to release a huge update. Diablo II is still a solid choice too, been playing through that recently doing the Holy Grail challenge. Diablo 4 will probably suck. Blizz is a trash tier dev at this point.
  14. Wow. Late to the party but Uncut Gems. Phew. What a soundtrack too. Had me in a trance the whole time. The amount of competing sounds in the movie really added to the tension.
  15. Fire Emblem DLC is out today. Probably play some of that over the weekend.
  16. Ah man, it'll be worth it though! That show is gonna be amazing espeically with the current climate. Probably even better down there. Is RTJ at that show? What times the show start at? 730?
  17. Got some tickets for the Rage Against the Machine + Run the jewels tour in Toronto. Pumped for that, hopefully Rage still got it.
  18. Pretty smart. I was in Whistler a couple weeks ago and they had Switches set up in all the major lunch spots/chalets. Think the kids were spending more time on those than they were riding lol.
  19. Banjo 3D DK 2D Metroid KOTOR/Mass Effect/Jade Empire Paper Mario Diddy Kong Racing Starcraft Jak and Daxter
  20. can't forget that it birthed this classic either: I take points off from Black Album though solely for the inclusion of Jay-Zs Mom bragging about how he learned to ride a bike when he was 5 as if that's something special.
  21. I don't hate it. I'd probably move Blueprint 3 down to the last category though.
  22. To add insult to injury, Belly >>>>>> State Property.
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