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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. It's no coincidence that 3 racist dudes all chimed in close proximity to with the same goal.
  2. I took my opportunities to point out his stupidity. I'm satisfied with that.
  3. 1. Ghostz doesn't care. He's racist himself. 2. He isn't owed any explanation nor is he actually trying to learn anything. he's trying his sensationalist bullshit that he and Cooke like to do to stealth defend shit by looking like "They dont get it". Like when climate change deniers say stupid shit like "If there's global warming why did it snow last night?" If you dont want to get or acknowledge something is or can be true, make it sound absurd using an absurd strawman point.
  4. You've been doing this stupid shit for literally half your life now, and everyone sees through it. Yet some how you wake up each day thinking you're slick for some reason. The person who actually kept bringing members' races and white supremacy ITT was....you. Because of course it would be you. Secondly, and this isn't even about the Prouboys at this point. Would you believe me if I told you there were gay Republicans who constantly work against gay people? Shocking right! Just because you were developmentally stunted at a young age doesn't mean other people owe you explanations
  5. You're a grown fucking man, and this isn't a lecture hall. I'm not here to teach millennial racist how to actually think for themselves. Like from a theoritcal stand point this isn't even about the proud boys right now. It's like explaining how to hot air balloon is in the sky to someone who doesn't know what fire is or what it does.
  6. I just listened to the whole recording and wow. It's truly the saddest shit ever. This is a millionaire grandfather using gossip, reverse psychology, peer pressure, taunting and bullying to get what he wanted. This is some manipulative middle schooler shit.
  7. Racist circle jerk aside. Is it irony or coincidence the racist frat rejects all don't seem to get it despite having various degrees of racism and supremacy explained to them. Like are you guys feigning stupidity or really just this dumb?
  8. The City AI is terrible in Cyberpunk but the vehicles are much better than the GTA ones.
  9. They have been paced it well. I honestly can't see them going beyond a 4th effective season. Part of what makes the show great is meat and potatoes hero's journey story telling, slightly tweaked to deal with multiple POV characters. The show has everything, growth, redemption, and adversity for many of the characters. It helps that it doesn't take itself too seriously but still has a deep respect for the lore and the genre of movies it's emulating. With one episode they even managed to redeem one of the lame sequel movies.
  10. Cobra Kai has no reason to be as good as it is. I was worried season 3 might be too much after how 2 ended but this is the best one yet. This show is on the level of the Wire or Arrested Development. It honestly accomplishes what it attempts near perfectly. The only part that made no sense was the auto dealership shit. 10/10.
  11. What psychopath plays adventure driving missions in cockpit views anyway.
  12. Lol calm down. It's basically lord of the flies. Read some actual books instead of Japanese porn mags sometime.
  13. You're retarded. Even if GTA isn't your thing, to not give credit for the quality of the products like GTA and RDR...well I already stated you're retarded so I'll shut up.
  14. I just did my second playthrough of the last act. While most of the game is pretty much the same, the last acts seem to be completely different depending on your choice. Even with it's flaws, I quite love the game. Unlike a lot of games where you have your favorite load outs and stick to it. I find myself switching up implants and weapons often because there's a good deal of weapons that play differently but are equally satisfying. The game never really pushes you to craft or use potions but they really add alot to the gameplay. Although the way perks, mods, and implants can stack in certain i
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