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Everything posted by lostfool

  1. It's odd that the developer made no compromises on the Switch version. Even the Pro struggles to run it at 30 fps at times sometimes dipping bellow 20fps. They should cap the frame rate at 30 and let the end user tweak performance settings on the Switch version.
  2. Um being fat doesn't mean you're lazy. I am considered fat and yet I am probably more active than any of you. I eat healthy, gym 6 times a week and Boxing twice a week.
  3. Looks like all the others. Shit shit and more shit
  4. Never do it awake. I literally had a surgeon do it. I went to The Sacramento Surgical Arts.
  5. I had anesthesia when I had mine removed. My surgeon was legendary. My recovery time was just a few days and I didn't need pain meds. Maybe you guys are just pussies. Idk
  6. DQ 11 is a 200 hour game. 60 hours is not playing it. You are lying.
  7. DQ doesn't need to be at any higher frame rate. Also you will never and have never played a DQ game so you should not have an opinion on the game.
  8. Deeno is avoiding this thread like women avoid him
  9. While he maybe a nut job the "power source" is actually a liquid metal which they named element 115. This one thing is the one part that makes him somewhat believable because he described element 115 back in the 80's and it was synthesized in 2003 but the chemical property is unknown. So how do you synthesize something and not know it's chemical property? Well you would have to have an original source.
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