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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. If MS wanted to bury Sony by now they could have. You know damn well that MS has the funds to out-moneyhat Sony. But they're choosing to keep Sony alive. As I've said before, MS plays nice with competitors. You're lucky MS isn't the kind of company that wants to destroy it's competition because they could do it very easily against Sony. But then again, isn't Sony's primary source of income from Playstation? Lol MS's OS and server divisions dwarfs Playstation. MS already has money pouring in from other businesses and they could have easily moneyhatted every fucking thing and y
  2. https://www.inverse.com/article/56033-e3-2019-microsoft-leak-xcloud-xbox-scarlett-halo Games 'leaked'/rumoured
  3. And I think gamepass will include Sony and Nintendo titles which can also be virtualized on all consoles. MS saves the day! I'll be playing Zelda on my Xbox soon enough. Thanks sheep
  4. It also looks like they are going for some type of democracy where the next king is chosen based on votes?
  5. Fuck it I just bought Minecraft on the MS store.. helping MS by adding to their sales
  6. It's true though. My buddy is hardcore Smash fan and this other guy just spent a thousand dollars on the swtich plus games and has no interest in this maker stuff. Should sell pretty well
  7. Ever played with blocks when you were a kid? Well it's like that but for adults. Like building castles, millennium falcon, death star out of lego.
  8. I work with two people who own and play their Switches and say they aren't even remotely interested in this game.
  9. Still, for the cat to make so much money is crazy. I'm going to go shopping for a weird looking cat tomorrow and will turn him into an internet sensation.. I'll be rich!
  10. Estimates ranged widely on how much Grumpy Cat was worth, though Ms. Bundesen disputed a 2014 report that the cat had earned her $100 million. In 2018, Ms. Bundesen won $710,000 in a copyright infringement suitagainst a coffee company that made Grumpy Cat Grumppuccino.
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