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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Another butthurt tribute thread for me..........its been a while since we last had these. I love how......they're demonstrating how butthurt they are, its like they don't understand how its obvious.
  2. Is this remastered in the same way Modern Warfare 1 was remastered? My memory of playing MW2 is quite rosy, so for me it feels like the graphics here aren't that greatly improved over the original.
  3. My friend from Colorado just texted me about how he's bored by doing nothing at the Harley Davidson dealership (apparently, they need to stay open as an "essential business") so he had bought a Switch and was playing Witcher 3 on it at work. And then he tells me how much he loves playing Gwent. And then I discovered that Gwent was just released on Android this past week, and its a gigantic 2.65 GB download. So now we're going to start getting into online Gwent matches. Told him that there's a single-player Gwent game thats called Thronebreaker. That its like
  4. They're going to fail. RE4 is simply too much game for any studio, and as we can clearly see, Capcom is back to their cheap-ass ways.
  5. New Paper Mario would be big news............if they stop fuckin' around and just get back to Paper mario Thousand year Door RPG gameplay. Obviously they need to keep up with the times and make proper upgrades and convenience upgrades. It would look glorious running on modern hardware.
  6. Damn, even by Ubisoft open-game world standards, Watch Dogs1 has too many side missions. They're called "Fixer Contracts" and its where you accept jobs to take down a convoy of vehicles that drive along a certain path, or tail a car to hack it and then take out the car, or its you getting into a car and drive across the map at checkpoints against a timer, or taking a car and simply escape from cops or other bad guys coming after you, or lastly, go into a gang hideout and finding the boss and beating him up. Some of these things, if you want to play them stealthily, take
  7. Mario Sunshine, just from my experience, had the tightest Mario controls. I mean I've seen videos of what people can do in Mario Odyssey, and that's probably every bit as tight.
  8. Its just a good chill movie, and for those that had enough memory of the way life used to be when watching TV and driving around town with the local radio station, it transported you to that time and place. I would never want to get the soundtrack to listen at home on vinyl. I want to drive around town to the soundtrack (the design the soundtrack like as if its 90 minutes of actual radio broadcast from 1969). I watched the final couple of episodes of Year of the Rabbit on IFC. Absolutely nice 6-episodes of half-hour comedy that gets crazier and crazier with
  9. Actually, I've noticed alot of road work has begun in my part of town, and I had thought that maybe it was because they knew that traffic would be down during the time.
  10. I'm at work,sauntered in around 11:30, with McDonalds breakfast. After eating, I had to respond to about 3 emails. I've gotten through two of them. And then I just need to finish up typing a couple of things, and creating a report, and then I'll go home. I've been playing Watch Dogs on PC as much as I can. I've probably put close to 20-30 hours so far, and am about halfway through the game. I also ended up buying Watch Dogs 2 and AssCreed origins, along with their Season Pass because they were on special on Uplay. Guess I'll be playing Ubisoft games for a while.
  11. Ueda had his studio dissolved over at Sony, and he was working as a contract worker to finish Last Guardian. Sony didn't lose him, that guy was basically out the door 5 years ago.
  12. The amount of effort you spent trying to say we don't understand........you could've typed out what the supposed "MISSING CONTEXT" is. This isn't rocket science. Seems like a case of "thou protest too much" which you seem to do quite a bit more than anybody else here. A sign of somebody trying to damage control.
  13. Oh, is Dynocrap doing another "you need to read between the lines" routine, again?
  14. Well, I'm gonna get in front of this, and check my local store. I ain't gonna get caught with no ringfit like some dumb muthafu-
  15. Nintendo those cheeky bastards. They knew this was coming. goddammit i should've bought it when i had the fuckin' chance.
  16. Dayum. Toilet Paper Hand Sanitizer Bottled Water Face Masks Respirators Nintendo Switch
  17. Which reminds me, I will probably stop by the store and buy me some tube steak to cook tonight.
  18. this poor bastard literally had LESS bulletpoints for Xbox. Two of them were him repeating the same thing: graphics Two of them had nothing to do with gameplay ANd one of them was gamepass, which isn't even exclusive to Xbox and that leaves the "renewed commitment to exclusives" which is
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