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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. Some games look legit. Some look either completely made up or might even be Geforce Now being used for WFH and play testing
  2. Thats surprising. I havent been hating it like a lot of people I've seen but thought it would land in the 8s
  3. Voidler

    GT7 vs FH5

    You are literally showing more screenshots of the same menu part of the video. The whole sequence was showing off their new fast loading menu system (something they've always been criticised about) and it uses low LOD environments for quick previews They literally released a whole article on the menus to go alongside it https://www.google.com/amp/s/blog.playstation.com/2021/09/09/gran-turismo-7-arrives-on-ps5-and-ps4-march-4/amp/ You're embarrassing yourself
  4. Voidler

    GT7 vs FH5

    Both are from a fast loading menu that loads a preview of the course. It's not the on track graphics You are literally cropping out the menu bar Ingame graphics look fine
  5. Voidler

    GT7 vs FH5

    Isn't that a menu for GT?
  6. I agree on GOW. One of the best things about GOW 2018 was how much there was in the way of surprises that they never showed or hinted like the hub world
  7. Looks okay. Was hoping it would look a bit darker i guess?
  8. Its a pharmaceutical drug and Americans are massively addicted to pharmaceutical drugs They probably get used to Heroin and Morphine so decide to add a little fentanyl in
  9. Probably big cities get filled up with fake accounts and Instagram bait
  10. Have to give the Paul brothers credit. They're not fighting prime boxers but even getting in the ring with seasoned MMA fighters to box would take a lot of hard work and dedication to getting good. And its not like they need to being wealthier than almost everybody in the fighting game
  11. This isn't to get kids outside, its to have them studying until they fall asleep every day
  12. China fear mongering of games reminds me a lot of the old 90s US politicians and book burners afraid of something new. Fortunately western politicians have a lot less power to do something so dumb
  13. Nobody cares if a new IP comes out looking like this. Its changing old IP into something unrecognisable. And completely like a dozen other games with the same art style Its a bit like how Marvel comics are dead in the water trying to appeal to the Twittersphere who don't actually buy comics. Yes they need to get new and young fans, but they aren't doing it with the current direction and alienating the old fans at the same time
  14. What? Id expect a play on actual gangster tropes not TikTokers This game is like GTA4 coming out with an emo main character in 2008
  15. I disagree. Bloodborne and Sekiro looked more cohesive in their style. This looks more like a mashup of previous art directions And the lack of any dynamic lighting or shadows really hurt the visuals.
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